Cat News
Can I use my inhaler on my cat?
Dr Sarah-Jane Molier BSc BVM&S MRCVS Just like humans, cats can suffer from asthma, and cat...
Everything you need to know about cat asthma
Do you have a cat who coughs, and you are wondering what to do? Or maybe your feline friend has...
10 ways to help a cat with asthma at home
Dr Sarah-Jane Molier BSc BVM&S MRCVS Caring for a cat with asthma can feel incredibly...

Dog News
How to use a dog inhaler
Respiratory tract disorders are common in both dogs and cats. Inhaled medications have long been...
Can dogs get asthma?
Most pet owners are familiar with the term ‘asthma’, either because they are a sufferer or because...
Can dogs get the flu?
Dogs can indeed get the flu, otherwise known as ‘canine influenza’. Canine influenza (dog flu) is...

Horse News
Effects of low-dust forages in Thoroughbred racehorse
Effects of low-dust forage on dust exposure, airway cytology, and plasma omega-3 concentrations in...
Tongue ties do not widen the upper airway in racehorses
Background information Some owners, trainers and riders believe tongue ties in racehorses, and...
Inhaled lidocaine for equine asthma
Background information Equine asthma is a commonly encountered clinical presentation in equine...